The January 6 Committee: One Major Accomplishment Overshadowed by a Glaring Shortcoming

The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol had the potential to make major contributions to understanding the disgraceful events of January 6, 2021, and preventing a recurrence. As it concludes its work, what did the Committee accomplish? The Committee’s main accomplishment was developing a clear and compelling … Continue reading “The January 6 Committee: One Major Accomplishment Overshadowed by a Glaring Shortcoming”

Preliminary Thoughts on the House January 6 Committee

The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol (“Committee”) has completed the first phase of its hearings. What to make of it so far? The Committee has an important mission and the potential to accomplish it The January 6 attack on the Capitol was a national disgrace on … Continue reading “Preliminary Thoughts on the House January 6 Committee”

The Third Trump Indictment: Controversial But Essential

The indictment is solid legally and factually. Criticisms of it based on its substance and other considerations are unpersuasive. Disregarding this case would be far more problematic than pursuing it. Donald Trump now faces three criminal indictments and counting. [1]A Georgia grand jury may issue a fourth indictment for election interference, and the current indictments … Continue reading “The Third Trump Indictment: Controversial But Essential”

The Latest Baseless Attack on the Thomases

The most recent attack on Justice Thomas and his wife, Ginni, has no more validity than the many similar attacks they have endured for decades. Leftist media and many Democrats refuse to apply to the Thomases the well-established standards applicable to all other married couples where one spouse is a judge. The professed outrage over … Continue reading “The Latest Baseless Attack on the Thomases”

Trump Should Not Be Disqualified

It didn’t take long for the issue of whether section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment disqualifies Donald Trump from the presidency to evolve from a “parlor game for law professors,” as one pundit put it, into all-out lawfare.  Numerous lawsuits have been filed to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot in various states. This effort … Continue reading “Trump Should Not Be Disqualified”

If Trump Wins

The increasingly realistic prospect of Donald Trump back in the White House has caused widespread alarm. New York Times writers foresee an authoritarian assault on our democracy that its institutional guardrails might be unable to contain. The Atlantic devoted an entire issue to this possibility. A prominent neocon joined in, warning of a potential Trump … Continue reading “If Trump Wins”

Is Trump Ineligible to Run for President?

Just when it seemed the 2024 presidential election couldn’t get more combustible, with Donald Trump facing four criminal indictments containing 91 felony counts, two law professors fan the flames. In a forthcoming law review article, William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen argue that Trump is disqualified from being President by a heretofore obscure constitutional provision. … Continue reading “Is Trump Ineligible to Run for President?”

The Latest Trump Indictment: Have Republicans Still Not Reached the Breaking Point?

Donald Trump has now been criminally indicted for the second time this year, with perhaps more to come.[1]The same prosecutor who brought these charges is also investigating Trump’s actions relating to the January 6 attack on the Capitol, and authorities in Georgia are investigating him for possible … Continue reading  The second indictment, brought by federal … Continue reading “The Latest Trump Indictment: Have Republicans Still Not Reached the Breaking Point?”

Could the 2024 Presidential Election Be Over Before It Starts?

Donald Trump will almost surely play a pivotal role in the election as the Republican nominee or as a spoiler. Either way, he is likely to cement a win for the Democratic ticket. While Trump retains a substantial base in the Republican party and is the odds-on favorite to win the GOP nomination, he will … Continue reading “Could the 2024 Presidential Election Be Over Before It Starts?”

The Russians and the Election

As if the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath were not already bizarre enough, we are now dealing with a widespread obsession over Russian efforts to interfere with the election. It’s been known for some time that the Russians were responsible for hacking Democratic sources and providing a trove of hacked emails to Wikileaks. The … Continue reading “The Russians and the Election”