Stop the FBI Leaks

FBI Director Comey acted appropriately (given his July pronouncement and follow-up testimony) in notifying Congress of the newly-discovered emails that may prove relevant to the investigation of Clinton’s email practices. The widespread criticisms that he violated Justice Department policy and even the Hatch Act by so doing cannot withstand scrutiny. However, the leaks coming out of the FBI concerning this and other Clinton-related investigations are outrageous. These leaks are grossly unfair to Clinton, and even worse, threaten to do long term damage to the FBI’s reputation as a nonpartisan, highly professional organization.

As the Washington Post editorialized today, Comey needs to get control of the Bureau. The leaks should be promptly and aggressively investigated; those responsible for them should be fired, and if warranted, prosecuted. These disgusting leaks reinforce the impression that the FBI as well as main Justice are at sea in attempting to handle the various Clinton-related investigations through their regular processes. This, in turn, further demonstrates the need to turn the Clinton email investigation, and perhaps all Clinton-related investigations, over to a special prosecutor ASAP. The need for this will be even more manifest if Clinton becomes president-elect next week.

3 thoughts on “Stop the FBI Leaks”

  1. If the leaks were fabricated (basically about investigations that were not actually ongoing), then how could nonexistent investigations be turned over to a special prosecutor for investigation?

    1. By all accounts, there is an existing and ongoing investigation of the Clinton Foundation. What seems to have been fabricated is the leak claiming Hillary Clinton was on the verge of being indicted in connection with it.

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